
Mooon Cafe Made My Day

Appetizing Chicken Mozzarella Melt

It was almost 2 pm when my friend and I arrived in Surigao City after our visit to Lake Mainit. We were so hungry so we hurried to the newly opened Gaisano Capital Mall just beside the transport terminal to get some late lunch. The first restaurant that I saw was Mooon Café and without second thought, we got inside. I knew it would ruin our budget since we were trying to cut costs on food, but I was too hungry to find another cheap resto or eatery. And besides, I think we deserved some good food and good ambiance after a tiring journey from Surigao del Sur. 

The Menu

Mooon Café is a Mexican-inspired restaurant that started in Cebu. It has around 14 branches in the Visayas and Mindanao area and now has also penetrated the Metro Manila market. Mooon Café in Surigao City offers a good dining experience with their spacious interiors that resemble a typical Mexican cantina and a view of the street life just across the main road. I just loved the interesting tilted ceiling fans and the super-detailed Talavera tiles found all over the place. 

Tilted ceiling fans which were more decorative than functional
Talavera tiles

The restaurant serves Mexican, Asian Fusion, Filipino, and a few other Western culinary treats. I was torn between ordering Mexican and Filipino food. I ended up ordering Mooon Steak (around 200 pesos), one of the café’s signature dishes and is said to be a must-try. I complemented it with some warm Molo soup (around 80 pesos) and bottomless iced tea. My friend ordered Chicken Mozarella Melt (around 200 pesos).

Can't wait to eat!

I didn’t realize whether the service was slow or I was just too hungry to wait. It took around 20 minutes for the food to be served. Mooon Steak was actually just ordinary grilled pork with gravy, served with rice and vegetables on the side. Nevertheless, it tasted good and the serving was right for one hungry guy. Haha. What I loved was the Molo soup. I am self-confessed wanton fan, though it wasn’t the wanton that made me love the soup. It was the addicting flavor of the broth dashed with sesame oil that made it a winner. I felt I was ready for the day’s challenges again.

Molo soup was a surprise
Mooon steak

My friend’s meal was way better than mine. It was something new to the taste buds. The breaded chicken fillet had the right crunch and was made more appetizing with the combination of mozzarella and diced tomatoes.

Aside from the good ambiance, the restaurant also offered free WiFi so my friend and I stayed longer to update our FB accounts and check e-mails while cooling down and resting our tired feet.

Have you been to Mooon Café Surigao or any Mooon Café branch lately? Lemme know about the good choices! 
