
Picture - Perfect Tinuy-an Falls

I love the reflection in the still part of the water

Contented with our short yet amazing stay in Cateel, we headed to Bislig City for our much awaited visit to Tinuy-an Falls. Bislig City is about 2 hours travel from Cateel. After checking out at Oar Inn, we rode a trike going to the jeepney/bus terminal of Lyra Express.

There were no direct trips to Bislig that day. There was only one mini bus bound for Lingig, a town in Surigao del Sur which is just south of Bislig City.  While waiting for our departure, we had our lunch in a nearby eatery. At exactly 1pm, the mini bus departed for Lingig, fare was 80 pesos. The 1 hour 20 minute – travel passed by Boston which is the last town of Davao Oriental before approaching Surigao del Sur.

There's a balsa!
We got off in Lingig proper and unfortunately, we were told that the mini bus bound for Bislig has just left. So we had no choice but to ride an extended habal-habal which seats 5 people. There were no other passengers bound for Bislig that time. We wanted to arrive in Bislig early, so we rented the habal-habal. We were charged 250 for the 45-minute trip, since the usual fare is 50 pesos per passenger.

While on the trip, my friend and I thought about going to Tinuy-an that same day so that we could have more time for Enchanted river the next day. It was still early so we settled with our plan. Upon arriving in Mangagoy (the so-called heart of Bislig City), we looked for an accommodation and found Casa de Babano. We booked a night, left our bags, and headed to the public market where motorcycles bound for Tinuy-an Falls can be rented. 

Bamboo scattered on the side
After negotiating with a driver, we agreed with the rate and started our trip going to the widest waterfalls in the Philippines.  We left the public market at around 4pm. The driver told us we’d arrive in Tinuy-an in about 30-45 minutes. The distance of Tinuy-an Falls from the main road in the city proper is 15 km.

After a very short paved road, we were greeted by a rocky, dusty road going to the falls. We also got caught in traffic because there was road construction going on, prolonging our trip by about 10 minutes. The ride going to Tinuy-an was really bumpy and irritatingly dusty. But all of these were forgotten when we finally saw the spectacular view of the falls. 

Mighty and spectacular
We paid 50 pesos for the entrance fee inclusive of life jacket and raft ride. Before, they used to charge separate fees for the abovementioned. It was almost 5pm and wanting to make use of all the remaining light provided by the sun, we hurriedly started our picture taking sessions.

For guests’ safety and convenience, a wooden bridge was built so that one can cross from one side of the falls to the other. The bridge also serves as a viewing spot where one can watch the raging waters fall from a height of about 180 feet.

More bamboo

Honestly, I was a bit disappointed when I saw Tinuy-an falls. It was really one amazing wonder, but something was lacking, I just couldn’t figure out what. Nevertheless, Tinuy-an falls is gorgeous, even in pictures. The curtain-like falls can be captured in any angle possible and it will still look good. I especially liked the elements present in the place that surely added more life and dynamism in the photos that I took.


The high drop of the water produces quite an amount of mist that was actually refreshing, but a bit annoying because they get into the camera lens. I had to wipe my lens from time to time.
After about an hour, it was getting all dark and we wrapped up our small photo session. We didn’t get to swim (I’m not interested anyway), but I would’ve wanted to ride the raft (balsa). We decided to leave a few minutes after 6pm since it was getting really, really dark.

Night falls in Tinuy-an Falls

The next time I’ll get to visit the falls, I would come early so that I can explore the place more and enjoy the water better.

Our second day in Eastern Mindanao was a blast! We got to visit the highest waterfalls as well as the widest waterfalls in the Philippines. I am so proud to have done that. Haha

My only shot on the other side

If you are coming from Davao, proceed to Ecoland Terminal and ride a bus bound for Bislig. Travel time is about 5 hours. Fare in an airconditioned bus should be no more than 500 pesos. If you are coming from Cateel, ride a mini bus or jeep bound for Bislig or Lingig. Fare is about 80 pesos.  If you’ve taken the bus going to Lingig only, transfer to a bus (fare is around 35 pesos) or habal-habal (fare is 50 pesos) going to Bislig. 

In Bislig City, a lot of habal-habals offer a ride going to Tinuy-an Falls. Rate is 100 pesos per person per way. In our case, we rented the habal-habal for 400 pesos roundtrip for the two of us, including gas and waiting time.

50 pesos, inclusive of life jacket and balsa ride

Men attempting to go near the raging waters

Who wants to ride the raft?

I do!

Amazing indeed!


  1. You really love waterfalls haha!God is indeed awesome-for the beautiful gifts of nature He has given to us for our appreciation and care.

    1. I really do. They're one of the best things to visit during adventure trips.

  2. Very Beautiful... WOW.. Thanks for sharing.. ONe day we'll visit this place.

    1. You're welcome! Do visit the place, the view is really breathtaking. :)

  3. Replies
    1. indeed. Lalo na when you are right there, face to face with the giant waterfall :)
